Above are part 1 of 2 deliverables that came from the "Hands Across the Void" project. As you can see it is basically record packaging, which is something I always wanted to make ever since I even knew what Graphic design was. Visually I was very set on creating a mood for this whole project; obviously I have my influences and for this project...Sunn O)))'s "Orakle" was a huge inspiration. The idea of a recording artist and a sculptor collaborating is fully realized in that gorgeous project. Everything is connected and created from within that collaboration...an idea I took further by literally making everything myself, with some generous technical assistance from Devin Weeks, Jamie Kimbourgh, Amy Fortunato, Cole Moss, and my entire Communication studio class.
The packaging utilizes minimalism as a key tool, as I wanted to showcase the sculptures in a very specific light. The imagery itself is created in a way that is to be seen as a homage to design in punk/black metal, but with a refined twist a la Stephen O'Malley of Sunn O))). This was done because the music (still to be recorded) that I made for this project pulls from black metal, shoegaze, and drone at least in essence and intention.
It should also be mentioned that the album "It all Falls Apart" by The Sight Below (Cover designed by Mike Cina) literally got me through the last stretch of this project...sonically and typographically (?!).
The Typeface used is Walbaum, a lovely 19th century German modern serif face with the contrast of Didot...but the legibility of less severe modern serif type.
Next I'll post some images from the publication that was made along side this piece.
Listening: SunnO)))-Orakle, The Sight Below-It All Falls Apart, The National-High Violet, Circa Survive-Blue Sky Noise, Wire-Pink Flag