Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Song of the Week | Wire-"Blessed State"
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
'...To Our Despair' Installation Mock-Up

The above image contains two posters positioned in a public space with 3 pieces of paper. Both posters pull quotes from 2 opposing texts. The black poster is from Georges Bataille's written response to Sartre's critique of Bataille's writings on Religion and the white is from C.S. Lewis' succinct treatise on the Christian faith, "Mere Christianity". Each poster's quote is an argument regarding each author's position on the idea of Religion/God, both of which end in the word "Despair".
The point of having the posters large and high on a wall with tiny text (The quote text is set at about 30pt.), is so that people literally have to find a way to get closer to the posters themselves, and even closer to grab one of the publications/documents. They have to use their surrounding to access the information...otherwise he/she is left simply with the ambiguous headline text. This is based on the concept of reversing the "Despair" inherent in any existential pursuit, and actively engaging in the on-going dialog within Religious/Philosophical theories.
The pamphlets/publications attached to the wall originally started as a reference to Martin Luther's nailing of the 95 thesis to the church wall, but was not really explored beyond that initial idea. In general, I see the attached papers as an even further explanation of the positions presented in the posters, once again requiring added effort to reach the depth of the content, literally and figuratively. I left the idea of the publication slightly open, as I see myself exploring this idea for next week's assignment.
I would see this piece as an idea that would be created in multiple locations, possibly with a variety of different posters, yet the same free publication, functioning in a similar way to the free newspapers that you find all over los angeles. Obviously areas of religious or intellectual interest would be the main spots that this would exist. Churches, Universities, Libraries, Graveyards, are among a few that come to mind first.
Musics: Agalloch, Deathspell Omega, Women, Al Green, Arcade Fire "Sprawl II" (and only that song), The National, Cat Power, maudlin of the Well, Underoath.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Huge Update over at League's website

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Song of the Week | Al Green-"Just For Me"
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Song of the Week | The Tammys-"Egyptian Shumba"
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Song of the Week | Watain-Black Salvation
Happy Halloween Weekend. Here is your soundtrack. The quick, truncated snare beat right at the beginning of the guitar riff is THE BUSINESS. Stay safe this weekend and make smart adult decisions.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Song of the Week | Warpaint-'Majesty' Acoustic
Warpaint, also known as your next favorite band, is releasing their debut full length 'The Fool' .his week. Its utterly fantastic. The album cover is not...but the music is. This is an acoustic rendition of the song "Majesty". I am especially fond of the chorus, at around 2:40, and the fact that Theresa sings in this song, as she is very pretty and also a pleasantly 'ok' singer. She can't quite reach the high register's here and it's kind of lovely. Feel free to explore their small catalogue, 'Stars' and 'Krimson' are real highlights from the earlier days.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Song of the Week: Deathspell Omega-"Devouring Famine"
If all the contemporary metal bands disappeared off the face of the earth in a grim fog of death or whatever…Deathspell Omega would somehow manage to survive. This band has been incredible since the start, but it was really at the turning point that was "Si Monvmentvm…" that solidfied their place as masters of their Craft. Since that point in 2004 they have only grown more technical and utterly engrossing. Two years ago saw the release of the 20-minute epic "Chaining the Katechon", where much of the ambient interludes seemed to have been dissolved, leaving the buzzsaw guitars and breakneck rhythm and key changes to lead the assault. Music Hyperbole aside, "Devouring Famine" off of the new album "Paracletus" is an exciting taste of what we can expect from the proper album. For the terminally obsessed, Amazon has 30 second samples of the other tracks. Album of the year material indeed.
Monday, October 18, 2010
'Squalor Victorian' Book

This is a little 4.5x6.5 book I made over the weekend, based on an essay about the National, basically taking the opening lyric of Terrible Love, and interperating it over the course of 20 pages. Live Photos by Mr. Cole Moss and myself are included. Just a quick little project.
Musicologies: Warpaint-'The Fool', The Sundays-'Blind', Women-'Public Strain'…
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Bonfires for Nobody-"Moments Like These"

A couple months ago, I designed a couple album covers for my friend Jordan Leal's project, Bonfires for Nobody. He chose the one above to house his lovely album of music. You can download the record for free here.
I personally enjoy the track "Summer", the cascade of sparkling notes and the subtle frenzy of the drumming are really quite nice. This song's mood was a primary catalyst for the 'soft blue' colors and airy aesthetic of the cover. "High and Dry" is utterly perfect background music for anything, very reminiscent of the washes of sound created by Wolfgang Voight and The Sight Below.
Here are some other versions of the cover I made:

Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Branding Mastery of Field Notes

I remember first seeing these Field Notes notebooks thanks to my classmate Mr. Sean Batac a year or so ago. It's a simple and pleasant little empty notebook, identical in shape to a plethora of others, but there is something about them that sets them very much apart. No, it's not the fact that they are all set in Futura (although it is gorgeously done) but something else. Visiting their website you can see that they have many variations of a similar style employing different colors schemes, themes, subscription services, pens, pencils and even a calender and a boxset(!) to create a diverse brand. Now, maybe my interest is tethered to our recent readings in our Design Theory class, but I think this company is a fantastic example of how powerful branding and good design are. They have taken are relatively dull little notebook and transformed it into an object of desire.
Part of what prompted my renewed interest was the fact that their "Raven Wing" series has recently sold out. As you can see in the link, it is the same design and layout as the other notebooks, but the website explains the differences "The outside cover is letterpress-debossed and varnished, black-on-black. The charcoal-colored inside cover is printed in black on a vintage offset press". That's it, just a change of color, vintage printing techniques and some debossing. The simple fact that this minor change contributed to the books being completely sold out, while the other numerous and similar options remain in stock is fascinating. Reading through the post explaining the process of making the books gives a narrative to the object, it shows how they were made and expands your experience with the notebook. This, I think, definitely contributes to peoples desire for the objects, plus they manage to make an already stylish item even more striking.

It's really quite brilliant and I think one of the most poignant and uncomplicated showcases of the power of design and branding. If such an attention to detail and narrative can be applied to something as seemingly banal as a notebook...imagine what other fascinating things are in store for this company and the creative team behind it. Keep your eyes on these guys and pick up some notebooks for good measure, they are quality notebooks, paper and all.

(All Photos are from the Field Notes Website.)