"Ahhh"....the sounds of sighs after a long week
of intense reformatting and layering has
lead me to the promised land. My poster is
complete and I am quite happy with the results.
I can't even count how many versions of this
that I have done, but this one is by far the best.
The past 24 hours were a disaster of emotions
as I could not manage to make my file small
enough to print. It wasn't until a few hours ago
that I magically fixed it after consulting various
possible experts and internets.
All In all, I am done, and ready to work on
whatcould very well be a hundred page process
book. This project was by far one of my
favorites,as all of the exploration and sheer work
level was extremely fruitful. I became better at
photoshopand my vision was widened to crazy
un-paul things like flowers, feminist novels, intense
usage of space and humanist sans-serif type
(Hermann Zapf's "Optima" was used on this poster).
I hope you all, whomever you are, enjoy it or at least
can see remants of all of the hours that was put into it.
Relief: Mastodon "Sleeping Giant", Broadcast,
The Greyhound (drink), Orange juice and
a great sense of completion.