I am very specific about what gets me excited. I am extremely
picky and find myself not liking a lot of things; instead having
a very specific pool of items that I am passionate about. Recently
it seems, over the past year or so the sport of Tennis has become
one of those things.
This past week saw the anointing of Mr. Roger Federer as the
'09 French Open champion. A feat hewas unable to complete
for on 4 separate attempts. I watched nearly all of the matches
he was in and found myself in awe of the 27 year old's grace
and masterful playing. I have never been one for fanfare,
and it seems Federer and I share that. His style is subtle and
commanding, but almost understated. Watching him play
is akin to listening to complicated and densemusic, as both
appear standard or unassuming at surface level,
but after a prolonged and focused exposure one experiences
how truly magnificent either can be.
That all said, Take a closer look at this lovely little sport, one
free from macho posturing and beer endorsement, it is a
pretty sight to behold.
Oh and Congratulations to Roger Federer!